Clyde Reynolds Carpenter, FAIA
Associate Architect, Professor Emeritus - UK College of Design

Clyde Reynolds Carpenter, FAIA, (1937-2022) earned a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Kentucky and a Master of Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania, studying under such masters as Louis I. Kahn and Robert Venturi as well as receiving a traveling fellowship for study in Europe. At UK, he has served as Associate Dean,Assistant to the Dean, Clay Lancaster Professor, Department of Historic Preservation Chair and Architecture Professor for more than 55 years.
Clyde Carpenter is a charter member of Gibson Taylor Thompson, where his design acumen has significantly contributed to the consistent growth and success of the practice. Clyde is a registered architect who facilitates and oversees the design process every step of the way.
He has received AIA Kentucky Honor Awards for architectural projects in adaptive use of historic buildings and new construction, featured in magazines, books and HGTV programs. He has served on Lexington’s Board of Architectural Review, Blue Grass Trust for Historic Preservation Advisory Board and Commonwealth of Kentucky Historic Properties Advisory Commission.
He was honored for his service by Kentucky Heritage Council, Lexington Historic Commission and Blue Grass Trust, establishing the Clyde Carpenter Award for Adaptive Reuse. He received AIA Kentucky’s Distinguished Service Award and highest honor, C. Julian Oberwarth Award.